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booking info

flash tattoos

I do all of my booking through this site. as of february 1st, 2024, all flash is now repeatable. i will no longer have clients "purchase" flash designs ahead of time. all of my current flash is posted on this site and can be found on the "book a flash tattoo" page. i tattoo in black, grey wash, white, and red ink. i am willing to do slight variations of my flash, or switch colors around but if you're looking for something more specific, please book a custom tattoo instead. feel free to reach out via email before you book an appointment if you have any questions about flash designs.


if you would like to book a flash tattoo, please click the "book a flash tattoo" button below. first you will be prompted to select a date and time. i have 8 available tattoo spots per week  - wednesdays and thursdays at 1:00 PM and fridays, saturdays and sundays at 1:00 PM and 4:30 PM. if these times dont work for you, please send me an email and we can figure out a time that works for both of us. after that you will be asked to fill out a brief questionnaire, where you can specify which flash design you would like to get. after that you will be prompted to pay the $50 non-refundable deposit that is required to secure your appointment.

you will then receive an automated email from this site confirming your appointment. after that, I will reach out with any questions I have via email, though please dont hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.


i will send you an email the day before your appointment with important information regarding your appointment (waiver, studio location, other info.) due to an overwhelmingly large amount of cancellations recently, you are now required to respond to this email, confirming that you have read through all the information and will be attending your appointment. if i do not receive a response to your email, prior to our appointment, your appointment will be cancelled and you will have to rebook your appointment and pay another $50 deposit. 


custom tattoos

i love doing custom work! it helps push my outside the normal bounds of my work and can be such a fun collaborative process :) i tattoo in black, grey wash, white, and red ink and am open to all kinds of ideas and styles. feel free to reach out via email with any questions about a custom project, prior to booking your appointment.


if you are interested in booking a custom piece with me, please click the "book a custom tattoo appointment" button below. first you will be prompted to select a date and time.  i have 8 available tattoo spots per week  - wednesdays and thursdays at 1:00 PM and fridays, saturdays and sundays at 1:00 PM and 4:30 PM. if these times dont work for you, please send me an email and we can figure out a time that works for both of us. you will then be asked to fill out a brief booking form followed by being asked to pay a $50 non-refundable deposit* to secure your appointment.


after this, you will receive an automated confirmation email, confirming your appointment. if needed, I will contact you via email, to clarify any questions I may have. after reviewing your submission, if  I dont think I am a good fit for your idea, I will fully refund your $50 deposit. we will go over the design together at the time of your appointment, and if edits are needed, they will be made then.


i will send you an email the day before your appointment with important information regarding your appointment (waiver, studio location, other info.) due to an overwhelmingly large amount of cancellations recently, you are now required to respond to this email, confirming that you have read through all the information and will be attending your appointment. if i do not receive a response to your email, prior to our appointment, your appointment will be cancelled and you will have to rebook your appointment and pay another $50 deposit. 


*deposits are only refundable if I decline to complete your custom tattoo idea

tattoo pricing

I am continuously working on remaining accessible while also making sure my own needs are met as tattooing is my primary form of income. I am always open to having respectful and honest conversations with clients about money and pricing, but at the end of the day I ask that clients please respect the way I price my work.

I take PHYSICAL CASH as a form of payment EXCLUSIVELY. I will continue to send you a price range prior to your tattoo appointment for both flash and custom work. if there is a change in pricing from the sent quote, any additional funds can be sent via zelle.

as of june 18th, 2024 I will be implementing a new pricing policy. see below -


- my minimum for all work is $200. 

- i charge a $50 deposit for ALL flash and custom tattoo appointments 

- this deposit is NON REFUNDABLE (unless I decline your custom tattoo idea)

- i charge $200 for the first hour of actual tattooing for ALL flash and custom tattoos 

- white identifying clients will be asked to pay $175 for every hour after the first hour.

- all BIPOC (black, indigenous, and people of color) clients will have the option to pay $100-$175 sliding scale for every hour after the first hour*


*price range estimates will be given to every client the day before their appointment 

I also do offer deferred payment plans to help with pricing. please do not hesitate to reach out about payment plans. please keep in mind that payment plans are prioritized for trans, fat-identifying, queer, BIPOC, or disabled individuals. I also offer further reduced pricing for all dark skin individuals. 

tipping is never necessary but always very much appreciated! money is always nice but I also like clothes, we*d, plants, candles, art, tchotchkes and tea! 

tooth gems

excitingly, as of may 1st, 2024 i will be starting to do tooth gems professionally!​ i have experience doing tooth gems on myself and friends, but im very excited to start offering this service to the public!


i have all different kinds of crystals at different shapes, sizes and colors. tooth gems are estimated to stay on for 2-4 months but can last longer than that. information on tooth gem pricing is below. check my instagram for photos of my work!


if you are interested in booking a tooth gem appointment with me, please click the "book a tooth gem appointment" button below. first you will be prompted to select a date and time. i have 10 available tooth gem spots per week  - wednesdays and thursdays at 4:30 PM, 5:30 PM, 6:30 PM, 7:30 PM, and 8:30 PM. if these times dont work for you, please send me an email and we can figure out a time that works for both of us. you will then be asked to fill out a brief booking form followed by being asked to pay a $25 non-refundable deposit* to secure your appointment.


after this, you will receive an automated confirmation email, confirming your appointment. if needed, I will contact you via email, to clarify any questions I may have. 


i will send you an email the day before your appointment with important information regarding your appointment (waiver, studio location, other info.) due to an overwhelmingly large amount of cancellations recently, you are now required to respond to this email, confirming that you have read through all the information and will be attending your appointment. if i do not receive a response to your email, prior to our appointment, your appointment will be cancelled and you will have to rebook your appointment and pay another $25 deposit. 

tooth gem pricing

I am continuously working on remaining accessible while also making sure my own financial needs are met.  I am always open to having respectful and honest conversations with clients about money and pricing, but at the end of the day I ask that clients please respect the way I price my work.

I take PHYSICAL CASH as a form of payment EXCLUSIVELY.

as of may 1st, 2024 pricing is as determined below:


- i charge a $25 deposit for ALL tooth gem appointments (this deposit goes towards your final total cost)

               - this deposit is NON REFUNDABL

- one round crystal (multiple sizes, multiple colors) - $55

           -any additional round crystal will be an additional $10 each

- one shaped crystal (stars, hearts, sparkles, diamonds, squares, etc) - $70

           -any additional shaped crystal will be an additional $15 each

- freestyle combo (one shaped crystal and one round crystal) - $75

           -any additional round crystal will be an additional $10 each

           -any additional shaped crystal will be an additional $15 each

- one whole tooth (multiple sizes, multiple colors, multiple shapes) - $100

           -any additional whole tooth will be an additional $50 each 

please dont hesitate to reach out and shoot me an email ( if you have any questions about pricing or tooth gems in general !


tipping is never necessary but always very much appreciated! money is always nice but I also like clothes, we*d, plants, candles, art, tchotchkes and tea! 


i try my best to respond to emails in the order in which they are received however the influx in emails I receive can be overwhelming. please allow 1-4 days for email responses. I truly appreciate y'all's patience.  


i will send you an email the day before your appointment with important information regarding your appointment (waiver, studio location, covid screener. price range, etc.) due to an overwhelmingly large amount of cancellations recently, you are now required to respond to this email, confirming that you have read through all the information and will be attending your appointment. if i do not receive a response to your email, prior to our appointment, your appointment will be cancelled and you will have to rebook your appointment and pay another $50 deposit. 


as of january 1st, 2024, i will be working out of my home studio in uptown. the exact address of my home studio will be provided to you the day before your appointment in an email, as well as instructions on how to enter. because this is my home, please, under no circumstances, do not share this address with anyone. please read this email thoroughly before coming to your appointment!

covid policies

as of january 1st, 2024 masking will be mandatory for both yourself and myself for the entire duration of your appointment. i no longer require proof of vaccination or a negative covid test. as of right now, i am fully vaccinated and test often. i am happy to share my results with you upon request :)


i will send you an email the day before your appointment with a covid screener. please fill this out before you come to your appointment.


if I get covid, deposits will still be non-refundable, but I will prioritize a rescheduled appointment with you, even if its outside my normal working hours. i will reach out via email as soon as I test positive to reschedule your appointment for a minimum of 1 week after I test positive. i will be double masked/KN95 masked if your appointment falls within 7-10 days of me testing positive. this policy is in place based on the CDC's guidelines. 


do not come to your appointment if you are feeling sick - just let me know as soon as you can and we can reschedule at no extra cost. if you find out that you have tested positive or come into contact with someone who tested positive after your appointment, please let me know as soon as you can.

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